Letters of Gratitude
:: A creative experience ::

Thank you so much for joining Letters of Gratitude!
Below is the recording of our session as well as some links to different resources connected to what we talked about together.
If you have any question, you can contact me at info@francinebonjour.com
A few resources:
- The Magical Language of Others by Eun Ji Koh: a powerful and aching love story in letters, from mother to daughter.
- We Are The Light by Matthew Quick: A poignant novel told through a series of letters written by a hero and survivor to his former Jungian analyst, also a survivor.
- The Burning Light of Two Stars by Laura Davis: A memoir of a mother and adult child on a journey of forgiveness.
- Prayers of Honoring by Pixie Lighthorse.
(I have a few copies of each that I am happy to sell for a reduced price of $17 instead of $24. Contact me if you are interested.
Somatic Practice:
Ease & Space: a 20-minute practice from the Feldenkrais Method® with Francine Bonjour-Carter
Podcast episodes:
A sense of Gratitude - Michael Meade on Living Myth.
I Wish You Heartbreak - Deena Metzger on Embodiment Matters.
Not an episode about gratitude per se, but I feel it is the underlaying theme in this beautiful conversation.
Free Online Event:
Gratitude and Grace with Michael Meade, online.
Thursday, November 17th, 6pm PST.
ReConnect Program by Francine:
A seasonal program in which you write letters to other participants (kindred strangers) following a theme every month. Everyone receives a package with cards, stationery paper, mail stickers, and stamped envelopes. Registration for the Winter season (January, February, March) will open from December 3rd to 14th.

Photo Credit: Cindy Fatsis
May the work of your hands be a sign of gratitude and reverence.
M. Gandhi