Re Connect
Creating meaningful connections with yourself and others.
ReConnect is a transformative journey designed to help you reclaim your voice as an essential form of self-care. Over three months, you will be part of a heartfelt community and find your flow through personal reflection, somatic awareness, and letter writing.
If you feel disconnected and alone and are craving authentic expression, Reconnect offers you a supportive community and helps you find your voice through deep reflection, beauty, and writing from your heart.
ReConnect is on pause for the rest of 2024.
Stay in touch to know when the next season opens:
A genuine way to connect
Grounded introspection & reflection
A mindful, embodied practice
A beautiful packet mailed to you
A heart-centered community
Each month, we explore a different theme through in-depth materials; we dive further into our topic, share our thoughts during our monthly community meeting, and we write one letter to another member of ReConnect on the topic we are studying.
Plan to spend 60 to 90 minutes weekly on this program (and more if you want):
1st week: listen to/read our monthly theme and do the somatic awareness practice.
2nd week: join the community meeting on Zoom. We discuss our topic, do some writing exercises or meditative practices, and get to know each other.
3rd week: write your letter.
4th week: get cozy and read the letter you received in the mail! Depending on the location and timing of the person who is writing to you, you may receive your letter at a later time.
You will be part of a wonderful community, share deep thoughts and reflections, learn more about different topics and about yourself, and experience creative and authentic self-expression.

- One beautiful package with everything you need to send a letter each month.
- Access to the ReConnect online platform and all its materials: audio, prompts, imagery, links, resources, guest interviews...
- Somatic awareness practices each season (audio recorded exercises)
- Monthly Community Online Gathering
By signing up, you agree to communicate your postal address to the other members of the ReConnect community. Your information will not be shared outside of the community. Please read our guidelines and privacy policy before you purchase ReConnect; by joining, each member agrees to these terms.
Allison, PA
I was blown away by the package: everything is so gorgeous! ReConnect helps me get in touch with my body and my thoughts, it's been very therapeutic. It nourishes my soul.
Jennifer, CA
You create the safest places that allow us all to be our authentic selves. ReConnect is such a source of happiness, growth, learning, and fun for me. I am so very grateful to be part of this unique and special program!
Susan, NY
I simply can't express enough gratitude to you for this program.
I has really helped me to find someing for myself. I look forward to the community gathering each month, and can't wait for the next season!
What You Receive:
- A package with everything you need to send one letter/card every month for three months (see below)
- A monthly theme with inspirational materials (imagery, audio, poetry, prompts...)
- Somatic awareness exercises to stay grounded and centered (delivered by audio)
- Access to a monthly Zoom gathering where we go further into our topic and share our experiences (recorded if you can not participate live).
- Resources for deeper exploration of our topics.
- Beautiful materials for your monthly writing (a greeting card, an original mixed media card from Francine, and stationery papers)
- Three envelopes (pre-stamped for participants living in the US)
- Cute envelope seals and mail stickers
- The names and addresses of three other participants to whom you will write (one each month)
All stationery paper/cards come from independent artists and/or small businesses.

What People Say
Ellen, GA
Thank you, Francine, for creating such a beautiful program in ReConnect. With each letter I write, I learn to slow down a little more and center myself. I love that you provide thought-provoking and inspiring themes, gorgeous writing materials, and a safe place to express myself. And best of all, you've introduced me to a community of kindred spirits where everyone willingly shares their stories and ideas and perspectives. It's such a lovely experience and I always look forward to the magic that arrives each month in the mail.
Laura, WA
I want you to know how I am enjoying ReConnect - both the program and the community. The kindred spirits in this program have created a community filled with love, compassion, intelligence, creativity, and kindness. I look forward each month to the ritual and comfort of sitting down and centering to write my letter.
Francine, PA
ReConnect creates an opportunity for vulnerability, authenticity and generosity for both the writer and the reader. The act of putting thoughts, feelings, and musings to paper is a wonderful form of self-care and self-expression. I have participated in three ReConnect sessions and have learned so much about myself and others. This program has helped me to reconnect to myself in countless ways, and I am very grateful.
Joan, NJ
What a wonderful group each season. The opportunities to share are so rich. I am a professional writer, and I was dangerously close to losing my voice as a writer. This program was important in helping me recover it and feel authentic.​
Receiving the letters is like a ritual, and I find that people whom I don't know share things from their lives that speak deeply to me. I am astonished about how their voices resonate with me. This means a lot to me; I have a lot of gratitude for this program.
Allyson, NC
It was a very cathartic experience for me to write my first letter. I don't think I've ever written about what I shared in my letter and it all just seemed to flow together once I started. It is amazing how much there is, all the possibilities. It felt so good to be seen, to know someone would read this letter, even if I might never meet them.
It felt good and is definitely different from writing in my journal, it is more potent.
Judith, OH
Writing to people we don't know is like being an author: we create and impact on people we'll never meet. It is both scary and great! I am glad you created this structure where it feels safe to be vulnerable and share our thoughts. And, it is such a delight to receive letters from others and read their thoughts and experiences!

The Story Behind ReConnect
At the end of the Summer of 2020, I was overwhelmed by the isolation of the pandemic and the draining pace of social media. I needed to connect with others in a deeper way and decided to send a paper letter in which I shared personal stories and reflections on life. My first letter, in June 2020, was sent to thirty people. By August 2022, when I sent the last letter, over a hundred thirty people were on my list. What started as an experiment became a monthly embodied practice and a process of connecting meaningfully.
I received so many messages from people telling me how they loved to take the time to open my letters with a cup of tea, savoring a moment of peace and reflection in a quiet environment. The number of synchronicities and common threads between my writing and people's experiences was astonishing. Each message helped me realize how precious and heartfelt this process is.
I realized that there is so much that connects us all.
This inspired me to make it easy for others to experience the practice of self-exploration through letters. It is so much more than writing on a piece of paper: it is a true and authentic way of being present, listening, and reconnecting with ourselves and with others.
This is how ReConnect was born. It is now an amazing community and a unique program where people find depth and nourishment through personal exploration, community, and writing. We create meaningful connections, one letter at a time.

Photo: Cindy Fatsis