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I am currently in a season of incubation. Workshops, classes, and other magical activities will resume in the Spring.
Meanwhile, find me on Substack and follow The Snake Year Newsletter: Finding Symbolic Meaning in Transformative Times.


Comes from Latin incubatus, past participle of incubare "to lie in or upon," also in the figurative sense "brood".

1: to sit on eggs to hatch them by warmth

2: to maintain under conditions good for development or reaction

Past Offerings

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ReConnect Online Program
Bringing back the art of writing letters and a deepening practice of meaning, trust, and authenticity. Receive a packet filled with beauty and inspiration to go deep within and be part of a wonderful community where members write a monthly letter to each other.
Women's Circle
A warm and supportive space to tend to ourselves and to connect in ritual and community. We gather each month around a different theme that we explore through embodied practices, guided meditation, writing, and group sharing.
Fox Woman Dreaming
An exploration of an old folk story to reflect on wholeness, the relationship with the wild part of ourselves, and our connection with nature. Storytelling, meditation, writing, and group sharing are combined to make this workshop unique and magical.
Into The Mystery
Step into the magical world of symbolism and archetypes through beautiful imagery. We will study some cards of the Major Arcana of the Tarot and see where they live in us.
This workshop is truly a voyage into the mystery and will fill you with new meaning, understanding, and awe.
A Quest For Vision
​Connect with both your physical and symbolic vision (envisioning the months ahead, your relationships, and your life). With Wolf as a guide, you will reflect on concepts like repair, restoration, and balance between individual and community so you can move forward with support and clarity.
A Journey to reconnect with your mythic self through writing.
By integrating creation myths, deep imagination, somatic awareness, and ancestral connection, you will (re)write your own origin story and honor who you are with deep symbolic meaning.
Release Ritual
A workshop to create your own 7-day release ritual and start a new phase in life with clarity and grounded intention.
You will learn to find your mantra, discover what a ritual can help you with, how to structure it, and how to integrate it into your life easily.
Heal The Stories
Experience ancestral connections from a different perspective. Through imagery, creative writing, and stories, we will revisit key narratives within our lineage to find connection and support with those who came before us.
Image by Oliver Tsappis
Find Your Voice
Develop a new relationship with your voice through unique somatic exercises, guided meditation, and creative writing and find stability and empowerment. Like the song of the whales, our voice connects us to ancient places where we can draw strength and a deeper connection with ourselves.
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